AGM for 2022 at Jennifer Knaggs' Garden
The Garden Club of Trinidad had their Annual General Meeting on Saturday 11th June, 2022 at the beautiful home and absolutely FLAWLESS garden of our treasurer and friend, Mrs. Jennifer Knaggs.
This meeting was particularly lively, with a mixture of AGM business along with our regular meeting activities, save the photo quiz. The beloved photo quiz will make a comeback next month at Denise D’Abadie’s home. The outgoing committee remained unopposed and all members agreed to continue in their current posts.
The show bench was Sansevierias (now reclassified as Dracaenas). There were an amazing number of entries for being our first show bench in more than two years. The lucky prize winners took home beautiful plants to add to their collections.
Many interesting ideas were discussed for the upcoming year and all present were very enthusiastic and excited to begin on our journey of learning, laughing, living and giving.
The committee looks forward to seeing everyone next month.