Christmas Lunch at Paprika

The Christmas Spirit is alive and well.


Our annual Christmas party is always a resounding success and this year was certainly no exception. Nearly sixty of our membership and friends helped make it a day to remember. Paprika bistro was chosen as our venue this year and what a venue it was! Paprika pulled out all the stops. The place was beautifully decorated and the food was delightful. There was a long buffet tablet with lots of delicious choices, all presented in a most appetizing way.


We were entertained by Captain Larry Edghill and his keyboard. He was on point! He had us singing and dancing to Christmas carols and a variety of popular party songs. When the garden club jingles, we jingle all the way!


Our famous games were such fun. There were two hidden prize tickets under random  tables, there was pass the bauble and there  was throw the bouquet, except the bouquet, this time, was a bauble too. Such laughs!


We had our hat competition. Some beautiful hats were presented on the heads of lovely ladies. Jennifer Knaggs won first prize and Jennifer Augustus second prize. Congratulations ladies. I was the only man to enter the competition and most disappointingly, I didn’t even place! Maybe it was because I was the only one to think my hat was amazing. More laughs!


To add even more cheer to our party, our very own treasurer, Jennifer Knaggs celebrated her birthday on the same day. We encircled her while we sang “Brown Girl in the Ring”, most beautifully I should add. Before being allowed to leave the ring, she was presented with a birthday cake alight with candles.


This party really started the 2022 Christmas Season off with a bang! Thanks to all who took part in arranging and in attending. We, the committee, look forward to a wonderful year of gardening, learning together and above all, friendship