Meeting at Sandra Carrington's Garden
It has been quite some time since members visited a ‘new’ garden and Sandra certainly did not disappoint. In fact, it was an absolute treat to see what she has accomplished in just over a year. There was little or no garden when she moved in but hard work and her landscaping talent have resulted in a beautifully manicured garden with an abundance of colourful foliage and flowers. Congratulations Sandra.
Some of the many highlights were: an Ironwood tree, its branches spread like an umbrella; the amazing Pitcher plant, a carnivorous plant that has modified leaves known as pitfall traps – a pray trapping mechanism featuring a deep cavity; colourful bougainvilleas, all in full bloom; two cast iron/wood benches – perfect for sipping and chatting; birdbaths, a copper filled with lily pads and water cabbages, three adorable buddhas – hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil. The photos are evidence of her decorating skills.
The Show Bench was ferns. First Prize went to Cheryl Lee Loy for her fabulous specimen.. Sophia Dillon won Second (very unusual fern) and Third Prizes. Cheryl also won Best Grown and Members’ Choice. Well done ladies.
We sincerely thank Sandra for hosting this meeting and allowing us to enjoy her lovely garden. A good time was had by all.