Meeting at Simone Taylor's Garden

One no longer has to wonder what Adam and Eve experienced in the Garden of Eden when one experiences Simone Taylor’s garden. What a beauty!

There are two parts to the entry, one as you walk up a lovely stone staircase where you are greeted by a mix of robust and delicate plants reaching out as if to say “Welcome”. The second is a gentle meander to an arbor adorned with a beautiful flowering vine and a sign laying claim to the space beyond – Simone’s Garden. I am sure that everyone that visits this garden would wish it were their name on the sign.


A second arbor of wrought iron signals the end of the entry and the beginning of a visual feast. There are architectural plants and architectural surprises in every nook and cranny and large expanses of green space bordered by exotic heliconias, pandanus and deep red acalyphas. All so natural looking and all to completely complimentary so the forest backdrop.

Along the way there are potted and uncommon philodendrons and other exotics that delight the enthusiast. Every plant, every space laying testament to the knowledge, skill and, above all, the love that Simone puts into this sanctuary.

Simone’s obvious green thumb must be genetic as her delightful grandchildren were so involved and engaged in helping us set up and her grandson, Jonathan, even donated a seedling, grown by himself, to one of our lucky prize winners. The lucky recipient got an African Black Pearl (majidea zanguebarica).


In place of a speaker, the floor was opened for discussion of any topics that the membership wished to discuss. Topics such as mulching with newspaper to ward off the effects of our dry season, fertilizing plants and making our own fertilizer were discussed.

We were pleased to have a fellow gardener from Tobago who is a member of the garden club there. Mr. Hazel spoke to us about this club. It was lucky that he traveled light as he was the lucky winner of our monthly raffle – a beautiful Bromeliad from Exotic Garden Design.

Simone thank you from the bottom of our hearts for hosting us so graciously in your beautiful space. We love you.