Meeting at Sharon & Richard Hart's Garden

The sun was out, the sky was a deep alluring blue, with not a cloud to be seen! What a backdrop for Sharon and Richard Hart’s astoundingly beautiful garden. A great big THANK YOU to Sharon and Richard for hosting our meeting this month.
It was impossible for the members  to resist a walk around the garden at the start of the meeting in spite of the sun being still fairly high in the sky and still hot. Each area of the garden had an obvious star plant or tree, beautifully complimented by architectural elements, both tasteful and tastefully placed. 
The meeting was attended by many of the members and a few guests. One of our guests, Trot Seepersad, has applied for membership and has been accepted. Welcome to Trot and we know you will be a valuable addition to our club.
Our president, Lorraine, updated us on the Tea and Garden Party, due to be held on Sunday 26th March at Mille Fleurs. Three hundred tickets were SOLD OUT in quick time. Thanks to everyone for the enthusiastic support and we acknowledge the disappointment of those who could not get. We will definitely be having more functions thanks to this response. Stay tuned.
The Garden Club of Trinidad is very proud to support our sister club, The Horticultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago with a donation of $10,000.00. This is to assist in the presentation of our beautiful country at the world famous and very prestigious Chelsea Flower Show to be held in May in London, England. Good luck to all taking part! Simone Taylor, we all love you and we are all rooting for you. I would say “Go break a leg” but we have had enough broken limbs for a long time, thanks to Janice Potter. Janice, it was wonderful to have you back in the fold, boot or no boot. 
The show beach was “anthuriums” and this was supported by a short presentation on propagation of these. Thank you Sophia Dillon( aka Yardie), for bringing your beautiful specimens and for the talk. Sophia walked away with many of the prizes for the plants, winning 1st, 3rd and members’ choice. Sarah Darwent won 2nd and best grown for a stunner too. A big congratulations to both of you.
The quiz was popular as usual, with many participants. Stay tuned for the electronic version with details of light and water requirements, propagation, pest control and the like. 
Everyone shared in the finger foods and drinks and had another leisurely wander around the little bit of Eden that was afforded to us. Thanks again to Sharon and Richard Hart.
Our next meeting is at Sandra Carrington’s home and garden on April 29th at  3:30 in the afternoon. Hope to see all of you there. Remember, as with anything in life, the more you put in, the more you get out. 
Happy gardening and be safe.