Meeting at Lorraine Agostini's Garden (Apr24)

Paramin or the host’s home, I’m not sure which was the greater lure to the hill tops of the northern range, probably both equally. A great big thank you to Lorraine for hosting us for April’s meeting, and such a lovely meeting it was.


The majority of us boarded two mini buses, known in Trinidad and Tobago as maxi taxis, and so began the adventure! The roads to Paramin are steep and in parts the drop off the sides is fearsome but Oh, so worth it!


Lorraine’s beautiful home is over the top, of the hill I mean. Once we drive over the crest of the hill the descent is even steeper to the home. A few hundred yards further down the hill is the north coast, with Saut d’Eau not too far away. Just delightful!

The garden is mostly hillside, with some areas being terraced. Lots of pollinator plants were the main attraction. There was Russelia or Antigua Heath, a veritable magnet for hummingbirds and butterflies, and to our delight we were graced by the Copper-Rumped member of the hummingbird family while we were there. Our very own Chrysothermis pulcella, commonly known as our Cocoa Lily was growing beautifully on a retaining wall. There were beautiful Hydrangeas and plenty Milk Weed, the host plant for the Monach butterfly. Around the western corner of the house was a flowering Brugmansia or Angel’s Trumpet plant. Many lovely potted plants were also on display.


The northern side of the house is cantilevered over the hillside and between the native trees glimpses of the Caribbean Sea can be had. A poet’s and reader’s paradise.

There was plenty for the club to be informed of. Members of the committee were approached for help in plant selection and design for a church being renovated in Belmont, and for a recuperation garden at St. Ann’s Hospital. Monos island was devastated by wild fires and a tree planting project idea was introduced, with a hope to make a start in the rainy season later in the year.

The photo quiz was discontinued and two members will each talk about one plant at upcoming meetings. This may be more valuable as a learning tool.


Our host spoke to us about edible plants and flowers and about the setting up and maintaining of a pollinator garden. All very interesting indeed.

Afterwards we all enjoyed  refreshments and before we knew it, it was time for the adventure back to town.


Our May meeting will be at Malibar Farms on the eighteenth. The show bench will be orchids and we will have Dr. Paul Fajgenbaum as our guest speaker. See you all there.