Meeting at Maureen Manchouck's Garden
It was a beautifully clear and sunny Saturday in October. The perfect type of day for gardens to be enjoyed, and we certainly enjoyed Maureen’s little bit of heaven. Thank you, Maureen, for hosting The Garden Club of Trinidad at your lovely home and garden, the final meeting of the year. In November, on Saturday 18th, the club will host its annual plant sale at Scouts Headquarters in St. Ann’s, and in December there will be our Christmas party.
Maureen’s garden was in top form, with a wide variety of gorgeous specimens. Any garden enthusiast would be in their element wandering through this space. There were many spectacular crotons, with a particularly striking yellow fellow adjacent to a little oriental pedestrian bridge. Adjacent to some crotons were contrasting cordylines that accentuated each other’s colours beautifully. There were gingers and heliconias and the tallest pedilanthus specimen I’ve ever seen. There were orchids in bloom and hanging peperomias nestled in trees and a whole bed of cocoa lilies (really not a lily at all – botanical name Chrysothemis pulchella). An amazing fire red and maroon acalypha was the backdrop for its shorter, but no less impressive sibling, in yellow. There were two bleeding heart vines, one on either side of a Chinese style pagoda under which was a statue of Kuan Yin, the Chinese goddess of kindness and compassion. How fitting to be in Maureen’s garden, wouldn’t you say? Every potted plant was stunning too. Maureen, we all really loved our visit. Thank you again from all of us.
The 2024 calendar was launched, and it believe me does not disappoint! Beautiful pictures, from cover to cover, of gardens right here in our beloved country. The 2024 calendar highlights our indigenous plants. Surely a collector’s item. Calendars are available in many stores and from all committee members.
The plant sale is promising to be a success and the members were asked to spread the flyer far and wide. There will be a large number of vendors and a members’ tent of plants and cut flowers for sale. There will also be a nick-nack area of treasures for sale. Remember the date is the 18th of November. See you all there.
The Best Improved Garden competition has had its final judging, and the winners will be announced at the Christmas Party on the 10th of December at Paprika Bistro, in Westmall. Congratulations to all six participants and good luck. A very special thanks to the expert advisors and judges, Anna Pantin-Daniel, Denise D’Abadie and Sandra Carrington.
Only 90 tickets are available for the Christmas party and there will be sold on a first-come first-served basis. No need for me to say the obvious but I will, GET YOURS NOW! Contact any committee member for booking and collecting your tickets.
The president gave a short talk on soil amendments, specifically perlite, vermiculite, wood chips, charcoal, compost and worm castings. This was well received, and audience participation made for an interesting rapport.
There was a revision photo quiz but sadly very few members made use of this phenomenal learning tool. Any suggestions on making the quiz more palatable would be greatly appreciated. Be reminded that the quizzes are all online, with bios on every showcased plant.
The show bench was mixed pots. Three lovely pots were presented for judging and one of our new members, Karen De Silva, was awarded the first prize. It was close as all three were lovely. Congratulations Karen, well done!
Many members toured Maureen’s lovely garden while we chatted and partook of some very tasty finger foods. Another beautiful garden visit with a wonderful group of gentle folk.
Congratulations to all on a lovely final meeting for the year!