Meeting at Linda & Dexter Paul's Garden
Lovely! Every nook and cranny was so beautifully manicured. It seemed that each leaf and flower knew exactly what part to play to deliver this beautiful production. Linda and Dexter, thank you both for having us all in your private paradise retreat for our September meeting. It really was a treat for us all!
The turnout was great, and although it was a hot afternoon, the meeting was held under a beautiful poui tree in a lush corner of the garden. Those not shaded by the tree were protected by a small but tall marquee, the height allowing much better airflow and people comfort. To top it off there was a cooling, evaporative fan. Once again, a big thank you to Linda and Dexter for all the effort. We appreciated it very much.
We welcomed four new members this month, Deborah Sardinha, Elizabeth Legarza, Alison De Montrichard and Karen De Silva. We look forward to wonderful and mutually beneficial relationships with each and every one of these ladies.
Before welcoming our guest speaker, Mr. Andy Patihk from Nova Lighting, to speak to us on garden lighting, the president discussed reduction of chemical use in the garden and suggested examining the possible use of cold pressed Neem oil as a natural alternative for both foliar use and for soil soaks. Also discussed was the past and present use of ollas for undersurface irrigation of plants, both potted and in the garden.
Andy delivered a very interesting lecture on garden lighting, concentrating more on the types of lighting available and the pitfalls of each. Normal voltage lighting can be dangerous, low voltage requires a transformer and there is voltage drop off with distance and solar either will deliver dim lighting or will require a very large battery. Esthetically, it’s largely up to the individual’s likes as to placement of the lights.
The photo quiz did not attract enough participants. This quiz is there to stimulate the mind and broaden the knowledge base of all things botanical. Even guessing the names is useful, as it helps one remember when it’s a correct guess and when one is wrong, what the correct name of the plant is. All is not lost, however, as the quizzes are online at There is information on light and sun requirements, soil type, water demand, propagation methods, fertilizer regimes and pests and diseases for each plant. Check the website out.
This month The Garden Club of Trinidad was pleased to present a cheque for $5000.00 to Suzanne Gransaull on behalf of the Mustafa Project for dog rescue, rehabilitation and homing. Thanks to Sandra Carrington and Michelle Maingot for the endorsement of this project and suggesting it for a donation.
After the meeting the mingling and chatting was punctuated by a most delectable spread of finger foods and a selection of drinks. Thanks to all involved in arranging and supplying these items.
Please remember the plant sale is on the 18th November, 2023 at the Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago in St. Anns. There will be a members’ tent for sale of any plants you may want to find new homes for, and there will be a bric-a-brac table, if you have any items to donate for sale. Our next meeting is at the home of Maureen Manchuck on the 21st of October on Saturday. The show bench is mixed pots. See you there.